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4.6.03 Dive one Rainbow Reef - 9:55am Dive visibility 50-75ft. Max depth 22 feet, Time 50 min. Av depth 15ft. Wide reef in spread-out sandy area, with center point being a fallen statue of Jesus on its side. No current. Tons of fish- French and Blue striped grunts, yellowhead wrasse, parrotfish, lobster, barracuda hovering under the boat. |
4.6.03 Dive two Rainbow Reef - 11:44 am Dive visibility same as above, Max depth 25 ft. Time 52 min. Av depth 17 ft. More of the same; another great dive. 40 min. one sleeping nurse shark, green moray eels. Barracuda! |
4.6.03 Dive three The Strip - 3:30 pm Visibility 50-80 ft. Max depth 40 ft. Time 45 min. Narrow long reef, 450-500 ft. long. High and covered with fish, moreso than Rainbow Reef. Schools and schools of grunts, parrotfish, squirrelfish, spotlight Three or four different moray eels, tons of beautiful coral. |
4.7.03 Dive one Turtle Rock - 10:19 am Visibility 25 ft. Max depth 37 ft. Time 49 min. Av depth 24 ft. Large Bombey (coral heads) at the mooring pin; jacks and grunts hovering over the top. I made it down and hovered for a while documenting the top of the coral head, trying to adjust my bouyancy. Later I descended and looked through the coral reefs around the area. Colder, a bit of a current, and murky-but clearing up by the end of the dive. |
4.7.03 Dive two The Strip 12:37 am Visibility 50-80 ft. Max depth 37 ft. Time 65 min Av. depth 29 ft av. 1 safety stop. More of a current today, same amount of fish. Beautiful scenery, 1/2 knot current running the length of the reef, so heading one way was easy and heading the other was not. I got in, went down and realized I had only 1500 psi, so i snapped pics until I had to ascend, handed the camera off to Steve and went up. Melanie gave me a new tank and I went back down, seeing the reef for the first time without a camera. |
4.7.03 Dive three The Caverns I didn't dive this one, because I couldn't get warm/cold properly, but the visibility was excellent, there were nurse and blacktip sharks, turtles, and plenty of lobster. |
4.8.03 Dive one Tuna Alley 10:24 am Visibility 125-150 Max depth 70ft. Time 42 min. Av depth 42 ft. 1 safety stop. My 1st Drift dive. We followed Audley down to 50 feet or so and drifted with the current South to North. The Alley is wide but what we saw was a sloped hill covered in coral, shot through with caverns that opened up on the top of the reef. Huge parrotfish, jacks, etc. Not as many fish, but fields and fields of beautiful coral formations as far as the eye could see. One large turtle at the bottom of a crevice. Hard to equalize my ears this morning, so I drifted above the crowd at 35 ft. for five minutes until I equalized. |
4.8.03 Dive two Tuna Alley 12:38 am Vis 125-150 ft. Max depth 60 ft. time 39 min. Av depth 42 ft. 1 safety stop. Second drift dive, with camera. Much of the same, beautiful coral formations. We had to swim from the boat to the first pin against the current this time, and it was tough. Easier to equalize, plus the new wetsuit kept me warmer. |
4.8.03 Dive three Tuna Alley I sat this dive out, as it was quickly done and I wasn't warmed up enough. Also, the swells were enough to make both Steve and I queasy. |
4.9.03 Dive one The Caverns (Little Caverns) Visibility 50 ft. Max depth 66 ft. Time 37 min. Av depth 42 ft. 1 safety stop. Dove this one straight down, southward towards the mooring line. There was a strong current-1/2 knot or so, so the going was very rough. Hard to clear my ears again, so it took me about 5 min. to descend to depth. I followed the mooring line and stuck close to the southern path until I was over the mooring line coral head. Took a series of pictures of that head, then moved south toward the rest of the reefline. Plenty of fish, lots of unique coral heads and other growth. Interesting pattern of coral on a sandy bottom. |
4.9.03 Dive two The Caverns (Blacktip Reef) Visibility 50-75 ft. Max depth 69 ft. Time 32 min. Av depth 46 ft. 1 safety stop. Another dive on the same reef, but 200ft. down the line. More coral scattered about a sandy gradual slope. Saw one Moray eel, and lots of other fish. Ascending the mooring line was much easier to control bouyancy at the end of the dive. I have a tendency to porpoise at the last 15 ft. Keep an eye on the guage and monitor your ascent. |