
Looking over the water pump on this new Scout, I know what I’m looking at, and I know where most everything is, but I’m lacking the important technical information. This is where the service manual would come in real handy–what’s the correct procedure for pulling the water pump off with a clutch fan? What’s the proper torque to be applied to the new bolts? 

When I sold Chewbacca, I didn’t think I was going to have another Scout for a long time, so I threw in the bin of parts I’d collected, as well as the service manual. I figured Mr. Scout, her new owner, would need them more than I would, and I hope I’ve been proven right. Some recent digging in my boxes produced a dogeared Chilton’s manual, but that’s only good for a brief overview of how things go together, not how to do specific tasks. 

So I’m going to buy another copy when the budget allows. Along with this eventual purchase, I’m going to need to stop in at Harbor Freight and pick up an inexpensive torque wrench as well as some cheap air tools–I’m thinking a wire sander and possibly an impact wrench.

In the meantime, we’re breaking down some very expensive cube farms at work this week for eventual disposal, and I was able to score four ready-to-hang fluorescent lights for the garage. I’ll have to rig up some ghetto wiring to get power out there, but that shouldn’t be too difficult.

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