Helping Out a Friend

Wagonmaster Ass

Saturday I drove over to Brian’s house to join a bunch of guys helping him transplant a refreshed 345 into his Wagonmaster. The morning was gray, and I tried every rationalization I could to drive Peer Pressure over with my Hydroboost parts to see if I could have some of the experts help me install it. As I was loading up, rain started to fall and the radar showed a huge front moving in, so I switched to the Honda and begrudgingly drove over.

Transplanted V345

Almost everybody else had the same strategy I did, because there were only two other Internationals there out of twelve guys.

On the hoist

I stood around and soaked in as much of the knowledge as I could, offering help, a flashlight, or spare hand wherever I could. I’m not experienced enough by years to attempt a transplant myself, but seeing these guys do it so quickly is an inspiration.

Let's look it up in the shop manual

By noon the engine was mated to the transmission and in the truck, and as I left at 3:30 the carb, AC, distributor, starter, and alternator were all installed.

Dressing the engine

Via a Facebook post later in the day, they got it running at about 6:30 that evening. Not bad!

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0 thoughts on “Helping Out a Friend

  • That’s super cool Bill – love the tail light photo too. I think you sell yourself short though, I’m sure you could bolt one together. Getting it running is one thing, running in tune is something entirely different. I bolted mine together, no big deal, but after one spin around the cup de sac, I had it towed to a friend who tuned it. Thats way out of my league. Still, just bolting it together is fun.

    I had a friend whose father had a wagon master and he said if they weren’t careful with the weight distribution the front end would end up pointing to the sun. Sounds a little apocryphal – i don’t know. Maybe ask your friend if he’s popped a wheelie?

  • Mike–

    That’s funny! Unfortunately, I don’t think he’s had it on the road long enough to find out yet; the 345 he pulled crapped out on him something like eight times before he did a compression test and found three cylinders were completely dead.

  • Please tell me that was before the install last week? That looked like a 345 that had been rebuilt/freshened etc.

    Is he back to square one?

  • No, he’s good. The one we put in is a low-mileage Scout engine he got from a reputable dealer in Pennsylvania. Sorry, my last comment was a little vague. The engine that came with the truck was bad, and I don’t think he’s had it on the road long enough to really enjoy it yet.

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