Here’s what I got back from SendCutSend last week, in the form of three laser-cut and brake-bent sections of 16 ga. steel:
And here are the pieces assembled and welded:
I had to trim the top section of the parallelogram just a hair to get it to line up with the underside of the main cupholder, but other than that, the whole thing went together as smooth as butter. Welding things up took about an hour after I’d squared it all, and I wire-brushed everything down in preparation for paint. I ran out of time before I could take it outside and test-fit everything, but I’m stoked with the progress so far.
William J. Miller says:
Nicely done Bill! Compliments for your efforts and skillset.
I’m still in for one once you decide to farm them out.
bill says:
Thanks Bill! I’ll let you know when I get things a little further along. I’m curious: what would be your idea price point for one of these? I’m trying to figure out how many I’d need to make to make it worthwhile.